Reasons to Get Jaw Surgery
Countless people have asked me why I decided to undergo double jaw surgery (commonly referred to as getting the **** kicked out of your face).
I made my decision for the following reasons:
- I had a desire to chew with all of my teeth, as opposed to only using my very back molars
- I was tired of my slight lisp
- I wasn’t a fan of spitting every time I said anything
- I didn’t enjoy always having my mouth hanging open
- I was keen on breathing through my nose
- I didn’t like the look of my side profile
- I want to avoid future complications
1. Chewing
An underbite generally goes hand-in-hand with a crossbite. Since your teeth fail to line up naturally, you end up being only able to chew with your back molars (the big ones). It makes eating a lot more work.
2. Lisp
Underbites cause lisps in a person’s speaking. It has something to do with how your tongue sits in your mouth.
3. Spitting
When you have a underbite, your lower jaw is heavier, thus hanging open most of the time. Saliva then pools in that part of your mouth, so when you attempt to say something, spittle is flung into the air along with your words.
4. Mouth Hanging Open
Once again, since the lower jaw is elongated and heavier, it hangs open unless you make a conscious effort to keep your mouth closed.
5. Mouth Breathing
Since your jaw is always hanging open, you end up breathing through your mouth instead of your nose, thus missing most of the scent in your life.

It’s sad that someone actually made money with this…
6. Side Profile
Personal appearance affects a person’s confidence in a very real way. When you’re not comfortable with your side profile, you end up smiling less, you try to avoid pictures where you’re not looking straight at the camera, and so on. There’s no shame in wanting to feel good about yourself.
7. Future Complications
People with unaligned jaws are prone to shaving their teeth down and developing hindering cross bites later on in life. While you can never be sure if those things will happen to you specifically, 90 days of recovery is a small price to pay to prevent years of nuisance down the road.
February 9, 2019 at 4:13 pm
My husband is considering having Jawbone surgery because he has had to have most of his bone taken out on his right side due to radiation damage. He doesn’t have enough bone left to hold his dentures . He thinks that after the surgery he could wear his dentures and eat better. Anybody out there that could answer some questions we would appreciate it . Anne
November 5, 2017 at 6:57 am
Hello Graham, I’m currently 5 days post-op double jaw surgery for an overbite. I must say that this is the most horrendous experience of my life and I am genuinely struggling with the recovery. I’m currently unable to feel my teeth biting together so am a little concerned. However the surgeon has assured me that the x rays look fine and that this is perfectly normal due to swelling etc.
It was nice to see that despite what you went through, you have no regrets. Of anyone needs a buddy or a chat then message away!
November 5, 2017 at 7:02 am
Atleast you got the surgery done lol my insurance “United Healthcare” wont approve it so now im trying to use my father insurance BCBS? Crossing my fingers!!! I have an overbite and Tmj/ mild sleep apnea. But if your bored we are here for you lol
November 5, 2017 at 7:38 am
Oh I’m so sorry to hear that. I live in the UK and am very grateful for our NHS. I’ve read that is is quite common for insurance companies to reject claims, but that people are nearly always successful in getting it covered. I really do dislike how ill-divided the world can be. I wish u the best of luck x
November 5, 2017 at 9:52 am
Luckyyyy. I need to move to the UK !!!!! And yeah hopefully it get approved. What are you doing and eating since your post op by 5 days . You said your struggling with pain ?? Did they wire you mouth shut or use rubber bands ?
If you feel like chatting just shoot me an email
February 20, 2017 at 7:25 pm
Hello Mate,
Thanks for sharing facts regarding jaw surgery.
Really helpful who need to go through jaw surgery.
According to my professional practice as office administrator at Dental center, i found many people has real fear regarding any types of dental surgical procedures. If it is concern for lower or upper jaw surgery, they always look for alternative 🙂
Any way, i think for long run, jaw surgery can be great relief for any one.
December 28, 2016 at 9:34 pm
thank you for sharing your story.
December 17, 2016 at 4:46 pm
Hi, this is Hanna Gram. I will be getting Jaw Surgery in June, I will be getting Double Jaw surgery for many reasons like my both of my upper and lower jaw is misplaced and my parents and I have heard that it will help with my speech, those are the main two reasons of why I am getting it. Swan Graham, this blog has helped me to get prepare for having it in 6 months, I started reading this like a little while ago. Reading this blog, has helped me be more prepare emotionally and just in general. I have found this blog so much help and I am thinking about doing one when I have it and it being like your’s (I am still thinking about it). I am not nervous at all because I have been reading your blog and I’m sure I will get more nervous as it gets closer. It will be worth the recovery and the pain!! I have been waiting to do this for a long time and I am doing it in 6 months!!!!!! I can’t wait to see the outcome and it’s going to be a rough journey but I’ll get through it.
October 24, 2016 at 5:21 pm
I was told I it would be a very good idea for me to get this surgery by multiple professionals, orthodontists, dentists, jaw surgeons, and my physician to name a few. Allow me to describe: I have a pretty exaggerated underbite /crossbite. My jaw is constantly getting stuck to one side, rolling out of one side and cracking/popping like when you crack your knuckles. It is achey and never feels like it is relaxed. Sometimes I will wake up in the middle of the night with my jaw stuck to the left side and as I’m trying to get it unstuck, it gets stuck out of the right side (it sounds weird to put into words, but it’s like my jaw is completely out of the socket and is stuck next to the bone of my head, yes painful) it takes forever to get back to “normal”. Also my side profiles are pretty irregular, since my bottom jaw is noticeably angled to the left one side of my jaw seems longer depending on how you look at it.
I really feel like I need this surgery, but 2 things if you wouldn’t mind helping me out. 1, no one wants to touch it until I’m done growing. While I understand their logic, my jaw only seems to be getting worse and more painful. Im afraid one day I just won’t be able to correct it myself and I’ll just have to be like that for the day.
2, I’m scared that it won’t actually get fixed if I go through with it. Like I’ll just wake up and the same clicking and popping and sticking will be there and I’ll be a sad, lopsided jawed, person who is always irritated and in pain.
If you could help with those few things, Id really appreciate it.
October 25, 2016 at 12:53 am
Jeremy, thanks for sharing a bit about your situation. It sounds frustrating and painful and I’m sorry to hear that you must deal with this on a daily basis.
1) Along with everyone else, I recommend waiting until you are finished growing before having this surgery. I’m sure the reasons for this have been explained to you, but if you have this surgery and than the bone in your jaw continues to grow, it can cause big problems within the years following the operation. The surgeon will basically reshape and reposition your jaw during surgery, so if the bone grows after that, it’s going to be growing against the screws and plates holding it together. I also had to wait until my mid-twenties before having the surgery and as frustrating as it was, I know it was for the best.
2) All surgeries carry risks and you need to make an informed, personal decision on whether the rewards outweigh the risks. From what you’ve shared here, it sounds like the surgery could greatly improve your life by saving you from a lifetime of pain and frustration. Jaw surgery doesn’t leave us with perfect jaws and facial structure, but it can greatly improve those areas. Personally, despite the costs and gruelling recovery months, I still have no regrets about going through this surgery.
I hope this helps you understand the professional advice you’ve been receiving and give you a bit of insight. What you’re being told is normal and expected, but hang in there and hopefully this will be in your past very soon! 😊