Day 88: The Official Mugshot Roundup

  • Pain: 0/10
  • Inconvenience: 2/10

Only 2 days left until my 90-day trip is complete!

So today marks my mugshot roundup. I imagine my facial change would be somewhat chartable had I positioned myself the same way for each photo, but since I’m all over the map when it comes to these pictures, the change is slightly more difficult to follow. Perhaps I should be calling this “88 Days of Clown School” instead. It seems more fitting.

I finally ate cereal for breakfast. It’s the first non-smoothie breakfast I’ve had in 88 days! Apple Cinnamon Cheerios were the chosen flavor. Thank you, General Mills, for reminding me that breakfast does not have to be consumed in liquid form.

My friend hosted a party tonight, and of the 20 people there, 4 of us had undergone jaw surgery. That’s 20% of the crowd! I’m beginning to wonder if orthognathic surgery is the latest craze.

Anyway, onto the mugshots!


  1. Haha yeah I’m pretty happy that I get to enjoy let another brace faced summer. Much better than watching everyone else eat I suppose. The sad part is that my birthday is a few days after surgery and then theres thanksgiving and halloween lol. Well at least I won’t need a costume :p

  2. Good to hear from you again, Terra!

    That’s too bad that you’re forced to wait a bit longer before putting this behind you. At least you’ll now be able to enjoy all of the barbecues this summer, right? =)

  3. This is definitely my favourite post. Gives such a great visualization of what to expect.
    I was suppose to be having surgery in 2 months, and now I have to wait until October because my orthodontist messed up on the decompensation, he moved my teeth for lower jaw surgery but not for double jaw surgery. Still feeling very grateful for your website that has become my go to for all my jaw surgery questions.

  4. Shannon, it’ll be a great experience, no worries! And look on the bright side: You get to enjoy a few weeks of rest and relaxation (which I know we all need) and you’ve got us around to rant about how much you loathe Ensure! =)

  5. Im bout to have jaw surgery in 8 weeks and im totally scared!!! lol

  6. Not the jaw, but when they did my jaws, I also had a septoplasty. Whatever they did, created a hole in my septum so I had to go back in and have that repaired 7 months later.

  7. lindsaybeth1015

    August 13, 2011 at 10:43 pm

    i was wondering if anyone had to have their surgery repeated??

  8. Terra, I’m glad the props added some excitement to those monotonous photos. Combinations of knives, Kraft Dinner and twisted Coronas always lend themselves to good stories. 🙂

  9. Who would have thought double jaw surgery could be so amusing? I think I’ve officially read through all your posts. Your mugshot roundup is epic, the combination of props and all the faces you make really make it easy to visualize the day to day struggles of a jaw surgery patient, or maybe the boredom of having to live without the use of your mouth?

  10. Rae, you can sign up for a free blog at if you need a place to write. 🙂

  11. How did you make a website like this one??

  12. Ummmm……..maybe not….lol

  13. Sandy, thank you for the kind words. I’m glad you found some humor in these pages.

    I also no longer take food for granted. Tonight I was able to eat a hamburger AND a chocolate bar, both of which I haven’t touched for over 3 months. They were delightful!

  14. Sam, I know, that’s crazy, eh?! I was talking/laughing a lot today, and I’m mildly swollen again.

  15. Tasha, that’s a good observation. I never even picked up on that. From depression to happiness in one easy post!

    Good luck with your new cheekbone weapon.

  16. Aimee, I kind of wish I would have taken them in the same position to chart my progress. Ah well, maybe I’ll just go get the surgery again and do the photos properly this time. 😉

  17. Hey Graham,

    Thank you so much for doing such an amazing job with this blog. I’ve been following you since before I got my surgery. Today makes day 17 for me. I’m still swollen and completely numb and when I smile I look like Rocky Balboa. Anyway, when I’m down in the dumps I turn to your site to lift my spirits. It really helps to know someone is going through the same hell. Glad to see you’re feeling better and on your way to eating again. I know that’s something I’ll never take for granted again.
    All my best to you. -Sandy

  18. Very cool post! I can’t believe the difference between photo 32 and photo 76. I’m flipping back and forth between them and it looks like a completely different chin/profile. I guess that’s the magic of swelling.

  19. You look sad or surprised in many of the initial photos, but happy and goofy in the most recent ones. 😀 Your face and smile look absolutely great.

    A few months out from surgery, and I’m still discovering stuff about my face that has changed. For instance, I’ve got cheekbones like razorblades now. How did that happen?

  20. Awesome – LOVE this post! Isn’t it fun to see the progression? And with that said, you look absolutely fantastic, Graham!!! Wooo hoooo! I have taken my mugshots in the same position so we could see the difference and it’s just crazy! Now it’s very slow and I haven’t seen a difference in days, but we’ll continue taking them! I don’t want this blog to stop….lol

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“Over the past several years, I’ve done my best to respond to every comment on this blog, but unfortunately I no longer have the time to do so. If you have questions about jaw surgery and want to connect with others on this journey, please join the Facebook group. Don't worry — it's free!”
