Recovery Timeline

Following is a brief timeline of important events regarding recovery from double jaw surgery. If you only had a single jaw operated on, your recovery will be much quicker than this.

Keep in mind that every person recovers at a different pace, and also that every surgeon has their own agenda during the recovery process. This is simply the sequence of important events that took place during my personal recovery.

Day 0 (Surgery)

  • You’ll be eating/drinking through a syringe
  • You’ll be unable to sleep very much
  • You may be freezing all night long due to the ice packs wrapped around your face
  • You’ll feel extremely weak
  • You won’t be able to talk
  • You will drool constantly (but you’ll have the suction tube in the hospital to take care of that)
  • Lots of blood will be churning up inside your nose, mouth and throat
  • Your jaw will randomly spasm (and it will be painful)

Day 1

  • Swelling will begin

Day 3

  • Swelling will peak
  • Your bowels will start working again around this time

Day 5

  • Feeling will begin to return to parts of your face
  • Swelling will start to decrease

Day 7 (1 week)

  • You’ll be able to move your mouth a bit easier, so your talking will become more understandable
  • At your 1-week appointment, you’ll be able to brush your teeth, both inside and out (and it will feel amazing)

Day 10

  • Drooling won’t be as rampant any longer
  • You’ll regain slight control over your lips

Day 14 (2 weeks)

  • Most of the swelling will be gone
  • You’ll be able to start drinking from a cup (although it may be messy at first)
  • You can probably remove a few of the elastics clamping your teeth together, so talking will become infinitely more simple
  • Sleeping through the night should no longer be a problem

Day 15

  • Your elastics will start snapping daily, due to your rapid increase in speaking

Day 18

  • Your breath will become bearable again, due to the fact that you’ve been eating different foods and brushing more often

Day 21 (3 weeks)

  • Your energy will start to come back. Take advantage of it! Go for walks and take your bike out for a spin.

Day 22

  • You’ll be receiving substantial feeling back in your upper lip and cheeks. Your nose, lower lip and chin, however, will remain completely numb.

Day 28 (4 weeks)

  • Talking will hardly be an issue any longer. If you have a splint/bite plate in, you’ll sound ridiculous, but people will be able to understand you.
  • Your desire to be social and spend time with people will return in full force. Make sure you take advantage of it, and remember that your friends are not judging you.

Day 29

  • Feeling will begin to return to your lower lip and chin. That feeling will come in the form of pins and needles, but you’ll appreciate it regardless. If no feeling has returned to these parts yet, don’t worry. Surgeons say that it make take up to 90 days for feeling to begin coming back.

Day 31 (1 month)

  • If your elastics are off, you’ll be able to speak quite well by now
  • You won’t drool or spill any longer while eating

Day 32

  • You’ll have most of your normal energy back by now
  • You’ll begin to feel like you’re ready to take life on again. Be warned though: you’re not quite there yet. Give it another month before you go crazy.

Day 38

  • More patches of feeling will return to your chin and lower lip
  • You should no longer have to wear elastics during the day

Day 42 (6 weeks)

  • You should be able to drink through a straw quite easily by now

Day 45

  • Most of your stitches should have dissolved by now

Day 49 (7 weeks)

  • If you had a splint in, it should definitely be removed by now
  • Be prepared to readjust back into the world of orthodontics

Day 56 (8 weeks)

  • You should be able to eat with a small spoon or fork again
  • Licking your lips should be no problem at this point

Day 58

  • You’ll most likely be allowed to blow your nose again. Be gentle, though, because you don’t want to pop a blood vessel.

Day 70 (10 weeks)

  • If you haven’t been able to eat solid food yet, start now. Even if the task of eating involves mashing soft food up against the roof of your mouth, do it anyway. You’ll never gain your strength back on liquid alone.

Day 84 (12 weeks)

  • You should enjoy the freedom of eating just about anything you want by now
  • Consider practising whistling in order to break up the scar tissue that’s sure to be keeping your upper lip from enjoying its full range of motion

Day 90 (3 months)

  • Your three months have finally come to an end! Enjoy eating, breathing and smiling to their full effect.
  • Changes will be fairly slow from this point forward. The results you find yourself with at the 6-month mark will most likely be the results you’ll live with for the rest of your life.

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(example of a recent conversation)


  1. Hi,

    When could most people regain their ability to smile?


    • JB, I recall beginning to smile again around the 2-month mark. By that time, my swelling had gone down enough to form a non-frightening smile. 😁

      If you only had one jaw operated on, you’ll likely be smiling much sooner than that, though.

  2. I had a single jaw surgery ( upper jaw) on March 4th. Im not able talk or eat anything because my mouth is completely shut with wires and rubber bands, so im drinking shakes that contain lots of protein and calories also powerade in through a tube that I have to be sucking. This upcoming Monday is have my first appointment with my surgeon, he’s gonna take off some bands so I can open my mouth a little. Im wondering if I’ll be able to eat soft foods after I can open my mouth a little or will I have to keeping drinking liquid through a tube?

    • Ivan, most people are allowed to start eating soft foods (think mashed potatoes, soft pasta, etc.) once their bands are loosened. Your surgeon will be able to give you the go-ahead to do so if they think you’re ready. Just remember to be careful and eat very slowly at first.

  3. I am on week four of surgery #1 and week 2 of surgery # 2..

    My face hurts. Esp around my eyes and nose. Anyone else have this? Yawning hurts and if I open my mouth too wide it hurts.. Esp while eating.

    I’ve been able to eat differently.. Perogies and tuna fish spread for lunch today. I can mash it up on the roof of my mouth. I am gonna try mac and cheese for dinner. Noodles are soft. Only down fall is I get food in my splint but I can brush my teeth and use mouth wash. No big deal

    Energy is so so but I like sleeping a lot. Can I still be healing from surgery and that’s why I like to sleep?

    • Jenny, the pain is your face is likely due to bruising. It is very normal to feel pain around your eyes and nose for the first few weeks after surgery. It’s also normal for yawning (and laughing) to be quite painful. I remember dreading each time I felt the urge to yawn.

      As for energy, I found that my normal energy levels didn’t return until around the 7-week mark. I think the reason for this is simply that your body is burning calories trying to heal, so you have less energy left to go about your day.

      This probably doesn’t help, but at least you can be assured that you’re not experiencing anything out of the ordinary. Hang in there!

  4. Anyone else lacking energy? Will be on week four tomorrow and week two Tuesday. Climbing stairs is torture. I feel so weak!

    My nose is still stuffy and I still have gunk in my throat. Anyone else have this too after a month?

    I see my surgeon three more times.. March 24.. A week or two after to remove the splint and then a normal follow up to see how I am doing.. I love my surgeon. He likes me too. Haha

    • Hi Jenny,
      Hope you’re well.
      I’m 9 days post op lower jaw surgery.

      The first week was hell, but after a course of at unitive I feel the pain has reduced from 9 to 3.

      I’m still feeling drained and seem to have a lack of energy but devein tiles feeling better.

      Tom (UK)

    • your nose is stuffy?? is it normal that my nose was only a bit congested within the first 2 days and since then its been completely clear, I’m 2 weeks post op

    • I’m a little past week 2 post op from double jaw surgery. I was having trouble with being lethargic and tired a few days ago but Jenny and others on this site encorafed me to eat and drink more than I had been. I had all sorts of excuses jot to drink or eat, my teeth still feel funny and my jaw wont open more than a finger wide. But I started eating or rather mushing eggs and pancakes up with my tounge against the roof of my mouth and drinking more water. I cant tell you the difference it has made! I even drove down to the beach today! I feel great. Eat something and drink you’ll feel so much better 😉

  5. Hi graham,
    Jyothi here again my question
    is though my daughter is close
    to 12weeks post op ,I saw her
    Sleeping with open mouth
    now she doesnt wear rubber
    bands .is this a matter of
    concern. Pls let me know.

    • My surgeon took my rubberbands out. It’s week four of surgery numbet one and week two for surgery number two on Tuesday..

      I just have a splint in my mouth.. My surgeon decided I didn’t need rubberbands anymore.

  6. Hey wondering if anybody can give me some advice,
    I’m having double jaw surgery April 7th but I have a girls holiday booked for May 24th, do you think I will have recovered well enough? I don’t mind if I’m in a little pain but of course I still want to have a good time and I drink quite a lot, do you think I will be able to?

    • Also I know I could ask my surgeon all this as he will probably have to give me a “fit to fly” confirmation, but I just wanted to ask people with first hand knowledge. Another thing lol, will I look “okay” or will I still be bruised?, I’m only 19 and very self conscious so really wouldn’t want to go on holiday with bruises/swelling etc!!

      • Sash,
        Im two weeks post op and I’m still bruised and quite swollen. From what Ive read on this blog the swelling will be noticable for months like 3-6. At two weeks my bruising is almost gone but Im still super swollen. My lips and the part below my nose is the worst as far as vanity goes… Makes me look strange not just swollen. You wont be able to talk too well for awhile. Hooe this helps. Graham started a chat group that is super helpful for asking peeps questions too.

        • Thank you for all your help, I decided to postpone my op till June 16th so I’m sure I’ll be back with more questions closer to the date and after lol

    • I think you should be ok. I will be on week four and two this week. I barely had bruising.. Just yellow around my eyes. I am still swollen but that will be a few months.
      Good luck!

  7. Im on day 11 post op for double jaw surgery and I dropped 10 pounds , is this normal? should I be concerned?

    • I am on week 3.5. I lost 20 lbs. Its normal to lose up to 20% of your weight after surgery. I lost cuz all I can do is drink or have pureed foods. I am hoping to lose more. Still on this diet for four weeks.

      • Hi Jenny, I had double Jaw Surgery Dec 17th 2015 and I only lost 10 lbs. I am concerned that you lost 20% of your body weight. In not a doctor but if you are 4′ 7″ or shorter I believe your weight is still within the healthy range but I would contact your doctor if you go below 80lbs.

    • Thao,
      I’m on 1 week p/o today and I am 10# weight loss already. I was small to begin with and have 4 more weeks to go so I’m trying whatever I can not to continue losing weight. My mouth is wired shut so all I can have is liquids and purée, actually starting today since I’ve been on a clear liquid diet for 2 weeks . Hope for a speedy recovery for us all. Hardest thing is dealing with the pain and not eating.

  8. im 9 days post op from double jaw surgery and my teeth are banded shut with plastic bands and i haven’t been able to brush the inside of my tongue or teeth , when will i be able too do so? the food stuck on my tongue is making food taste bland and gross also how long till the facial swelling will go down to a point where i look decent

    • I also had the issue with stuff on my tongue. I used a tongue cleaner to the best of my ability. My surgeon also prescribed an oral mouth wash which really seems to help.

      I can’t wait for this splint to come out so I can actually brush my teeth normally and floss!

      • does anyone think if i ask my surgeon to take off my bands early just for a couple minutes so i can brush my teeth or scrape my tongue real quick is it a possibility he’ll say yes ,the texture on my tongue is really disgusting and its really putting me a depressed mood and making my apetite go away

      • jenny, how are you using a tongue cleaner , are you allowed to open your moth bc i can’t even open my mouth the slightest bit

        • My surgeon only has two rubber bands in my mouth (one snapped off so I only have one right now). I can’t open my mouth as wide as I’d like to but I can stick my tongue out further since I have less rubberbands in my mouth.

  9. Sorry to write again..

    Is it normal when it hurts to yawn or when you laugh?

    I did ok yesterday. I had mashed potatoes for dinner. Drank a lot. I could probably eat more but I am doing my best..

    Energy is so so. Been getting out daily and will be busy pet sitting the next two weeks.

    Hope everyone is doing good.

    Any foods that taste good pureed? Am getting food today..

    • It definitely hurt to yawn and laugh for me. It took awhile until it didn’t hurt to do either. Although I think it hurt me to laugh because my cheeks were rubbing on my braces sooo bad cause I was so swollen. I had to coat those puppies with wax. I still have issues with it rubbing and I am 3 months out. I can’t wait to get braces off!!!

  10. How long after surgery until you were done seeing your surgeon for good?

  11. Hi I’m 8 weeks post op and I’ve noticed my back teeth are all brown. This has worried me a lot. I’ve had the best oral hygiene someone can have straight after double jaw surgery, but I haven’t been able to brush the insides of my mouth until a couple of days ago as my jaw would not open wide enough to fit my toothbrush in. Are brown teeth normal after this surgery? Is the brown just staining or is it the start of decay? I’m so worried. My orthodontist told me not to see my dentist again until my braces come off which could be months. What should I do?

    • Georgina
      Are you using cordisol mouth wash. My son was given this by the hospital and when he went to dentist after having braces off his teeth were quite brown. The dentist said you shouldnt use it past the 3 week mark. My son had to have his teeth cleaned by the hygienist. Also fine now though x

      • How long after jaw surgery can I go to my normal separate dentist and get my teeth cleaned! I’m cleaning as well as I can and my gums are over growing! It’s horrible

        • Mnan, I think you should wait until the 3-month mark to have your teeth professionally cleaned. However, you should be able to floss, brush, and use mouthwash within the first month.

          If your gums are growing over your teeth, I would call your surgeon’s office and ask what they can recommend. I’m sure many people have had to deal with this, so know that you are not alone. 😊

    • Hey Georgina,
      Don’t worry this happened to me too and I was really worried, it even felt like my teeth were furry at the back, that same mouthwash Mary mentioned can cause it and if you’re using a baby toothbrush that also might be the root cause, because the bristles aren’t strong enough to scrape of the plaque, as soon as I upgraded back to an adult toothbrush my teeth and oral hygiene came back to normal. Hope this helps 😀

    • Can you call your dentist and tell them your concern? Funny your orthodontist wouldn’t let you go to your dentist? I am supposed to go to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned twice a year – even WITH braces.

  12. Hey everyone.. Will try to get on chat eventually. I am so tired!

    I went to Target and bought Mucinex in hopes that will help my coughing and blood spitting.. As I was in Target a couple people laughed at me. I realized I don’t look normal with a splint in my mouth but it still hurts people would laugh..

    Then I went to a friend’s house for 5.5 hours.. Then I went to a grocery store to get egg spread and donut holes. That can’t be too bad blended in a blender with milk. Separately of course! Sick of my soups and juices..

    I am afraid though.. I lost 16 lbs so far which is great but I think I like it too much since I will avoid eating a lot for fear of getting fat again.. I was anorexic and bulimic when I was younger… I am afraid it is creeping back. I also hope my psychiatrist will be open to cutting my meds since I was taking so many and I quit cold turkey after surgery due to the fact crushed and liquid form are so gross! I just spit it out since swallowing is hard enough as it is but make me swallow something nasty I won’t have much luck.. 🙁

    Hope everyone is doing well.. I’m so tired.. I have no energy. Long day to be out and about too.

    • Jenny, very sad to hear people were laughing in the store. I recall quite a few people rudely staring at me back during my swollen weeks as well… those people need to learn some manners! That being said, going back out into the world is a big step and props to you for doing so.

      I’m not sure what to say about your fear of slipping back into the grips of an eating disorder. I encourage you to understand that the weight you lose during this recovery is generally more than your body can afford to lose so it’s actually healthy to gain a few pounds back when you start eating larger meals again. This is probably not new information for you, though.

      Does anyone else here have any experience in dealing with something like this?

      • Yes. I have and it is not nice. I have people asking me if ive been a victim of domestic violence. Had my surgery done 7/3/16 and it is still going through the swelling stages.

  13. Was just wondering how long it takes to get the full range of motion back in your jaw? When can I eat that double cheeseburger?

    • Jason
      How far are you into your surgery? Everyone is different but in my 4th week and ate me a quarter pounder from McDonalds. I didn’t know if I could do it or not but I was SO HUNGRY. Lol. I did break it up in small pieces and it took me forever to eat it but it was sooo good. Took that craving away. But I did only have top jaw surgery so it may be ALOT longer for you.

      • I am 20 days into recovery. I had both jaws done. I cannot chew anything of course, but I can open my mouth about one centimeter. I can get a small tooth brush into mouth to brush.

        • I had both jaws done and I’m about 3 months out. I still don’t have full range of motion. I can eat sandwiches that are thinner, but it will be awhile until I can eat a double cheeseburger. My doctor couldn’t give me specific time, he just said it takes awhile for those muscles to open back up. I can fit about 3 fingers in my mouth horizontally. I’m just trying to be patient. Good luck

  14. I had surgery to r and l mandible fractures 2 days ago from a motor vehicle accident. I am extremely swollen and in a lot of pain. My bottom lip and chin is numb. My face and head feels like it’s gonna explode. I can barely drink anything other than little sips from a syringe and I’ve lost 6 pounds since 1 week ago that accident happened. I was tiny to begin with. Just really scared about this recovery process. I am a nurse so I kinda understand the healing process but I’m so frustrated. I always been a positive person . Any suggestions 🙁 I’ve been religioulsly icing 24/7

    • Hi Mag, sorry to hear these first few days are so tough for you. As frustrating as this may be to hear, what you described does sound pretty normal for this stage of the recovery. In general, the first 2 weeks are super uncomfortable and then life gets much better after that. Being a nurse will give you a bit of insight into how your body is healing, so that will be helpful.

      My only suggestions are to continue applying ice (or heat, if that’s more comfortable), to get outside for a few walks per day as soon as you’re able, and to keep your mind occupied as best you can. There’s no shame in spending much of these initial days watching TV or napping.

      Hope you’re feeling better soon! 😊

      • Hi Graham, thank you so much for the comforting words and suggestions. It’s only day 4 post op for me and I’m starting to see a little progress with the swelling on the R jaw, the L side still looks like a fat chipmunk, and the pain us becoming a little more tolerable. I will try your suggestion of applying heat in between the icing and maybe that’ll help a little. I’m wired shut so trying to get small amounts of fluids in is challenging but I’m working on it. Thank you again

    • Hi Mag! You poor thing! Involuntary jaw surgery has to be worse than choosing to be in this situation. Im so glad you found this blog! Graham is wonderfully optimistic and is incredibly helpful with managing my expectations of recovery. He started a chat group just yesterday and it has been a lifesaver for me., hopefully we will see you there! Im on day 9 and feel your pain!! Hang in there!!! We will get through this, if you need to chat or just pass the time it helps to have other people who have been through it and survived!

      • Thank you Karen. You guys are a very positive and re assuring group. I am glad to have found ya. I’m a very active person and right now I just feel so incompetent if that is the correct word 😔 my family, friends, and co-Workers have been wonderful. Today is day 4 post op and the swelling is decreasing a little on the r jaw, the L was the worst where they had to do work so it’s pretty swollen. I think I’m going to try warm compress to incorporate with the ice. I know it’s a long road for all of us, guess we just have to b patience. I’m blessed to b here with the jaw fractures only as I almost was ejected over a bridge where my SUV came to a stop. All caused from a street pothole 🙁

  15. I’m having other issues too. I live with mental illness and I am on several anti depressants.. I haven’t been taking them.. I got put on liquid or crushed and they taste disgusting! I will start up again when the splint comes out.. I see my psychiatrist in a couple weeks. I hope she doesn’t send me somewhere.. 🙁

    • Hi Jenny, it’s so sad hearing about your struggle! Depression would certainly make this recovery a lot more difficult to power through, so you can rest assured that you are one of the stronger ones here. I really hope you’re able to have people around during these few really tough weeks. And, despite me sounding like a repetitive gong, go outside for walks several times each day. Sunshine and fresh air seem to work wonders for everyone. Stay strong and hopefully hanging out in the chat will help pass the time until your life returns to some sort of “normal.” 😊

    • Jenny,
      I also struggle with depression. This healing thing has been super isolating for me and that is a challenge. Im starting day 9 …but dont feel a ton better than I did on day 4 honestly. My face throbs, drinking through a straw and eating is exhausting to the point I’d rather not and its really difficult to get more than 3 hours of sleep at once. If you’d like to chat I’d love the distraction! My email is email me and we can go from there. Graham also started a chat group thats just getting off the ground. Perhaps we will see you there! We will get through this and we will be thrilled with our results. Thats a common theme in many post recovery peeps how much the pain was worth the results. You and I will get there too. Patience isnt one of my strong virtures but Graham’s optimism is contagious! We will get through this! Hang in there!!

  16. This recovery is worse than after my first surgery and this surgery was not serious..
    I cough constantly.. I cough up blood several times a day.. I can’t breathe at night and my breathing sounds crackly. Not sure why round number two is so much worse. 🙁

    • Jenny,
      So sorry to hear of your pain from second surgery. Im on day 8 post op and seriously doubting my sanity for electing to go through with the proceedure. Cant go back so we must press forward. Each day will see a little more improvement. The pain is terrible but there is a bright side! Ive lost 12 lbs ! The disconnect from the world is the worst. This blog is wonderful for connecting us and getting that support and connection to others in the same boat. Hang in there we all know you are stronger than you think and you will get through this! Focus on the little things like getting enough fluids and protien for healing.

      • It is hard to eat unfortunately.. I have no appetite…

        • Jenny,
          It really is hard to eat! Ugh that is one of the worst parts for me. I love food! So much in fact, I went on a liquid diet a week before my surgery to help me not crave solid food. In hind sight that was super unnecessary. Not only is just the idea eating painful, but the process is just simply too much work I’d rather avoid it all together becuse Im just too tired. Its a vicious cycle for me… I know I have to have something in my stomach to take my meds (or my nausea is 10x worse) so I try and think of what wont hurt. My teeth feel mushy at best so even though Ive been cleared to advance my diet… Im scared to bite down on anything. I choose a protien shake. Protien is supposed to give the body energy it needs to work on healing so… the next step is to decide how I can get this in my stomach. A straw seems logical but because I can’t feel or operate my swollen lips very well so I cannot produce enough suction for that to be effective. I try drinking it… No control over lips thwarts that plan too as it just dribbles out of my mouth along with all the drool. Getting frustrated I decide to use the syringe. After about 7 syringe fuls Im about to bust. I cant swallow any more and am disappointed I was only able to get about half the 11 oz down. Then more work -wash out the syringe, change my shirt for the 18th time and then go take some meds and rinse out the remants of the thick shake coating my mouth. Im exhausted again but I won!! We just have to force ourselves to do whatever it takes to get some thing in our stomachs… Gotta have protien to heal, to take meds, and to have energy. Just keep your eye on the prize and tell yourself it doesnt matter how it gets in there just has to get in. The worst days are behind you and things have to improve. They will improve!

  17. Well I went to the ENT and it’s exactly like I thought I have LOTS of fluid in my ears. He put me on meds and said that it may take up to several weeks for me to be able to hear right again. He said that if its not better when I go back in 3 weeks that he will have to put tubes in my ear but he didn’t want to do that to me right now and I told him I didn’t won’t him to lol. He also looked up my nose and pulled out 4 bone fragments that were left from the surgery. Let me tell you THAT HURT! So anyways I hope the meds work sooner then he thinks. I am so ready to be able to hear again.

    • Hi Stephane, I’m sad to hear there were leftover fragments of bone that had to be remove… that sounds like a painful experience, ouch! From the sounds of it, your doctor isn’t concerned with you losing your hearing in any permanent fashion, so that’s encouraging. I really hope whatever medicine he prescribed does the job. Good luck and hang in there!

  18. I had my one week follow up appiontment today. My biggest concern is the nausea. I havent vomited or spit up any blood but I feel nauseated all day long. I have no appetite and I’m really light headed. I can only get very small amounts of food down. I just want to stop feeling so quesy. Any ideas?

    • Hi Karen, your nausea is likely a result of swallowing too much blood and saliva and not eating or drinking enough to balance your stomach properly. This is a common feeling within the first 3 weeks of recovery, unfortunately. To combat it, try your best to get calories in your body each day. Chicken broth is a good way to satisfy a salt craving and fruit smoothies are a good way to get something sweet. Your nausea should go away as soon as you start eating again. 😊

      (You can also try swishing with warm salt water a few times each day so that you’re not swallowing as much “stale” saliva.)

      • Graham you are a gem! Thank you so much for keeping up with this blog. The support is much needed and wonderful!!

  19. Well surgery number two is complete.. They just straightened out my upper jaw.. Surgery was only 1.5 hours. But it was later than expected. 7pm since there were emergency cases..

    My lips are swollen and hurt again. I just popped a rubber band while brushing my teeth.. My surgeon gave me extra but my mouth hurts too much to try to put one in.. 🙁

    How long did coughing up blood happen for you? I was still coughing up blood during week two and of course I am more so due to surgery number two.. Just hope the blood stops. It’s so nasty..

    • Jenny!! I have been thinking about you. I am so glad that everything went ok. I figured you might be feeling bad because we haven’t heard back from you. As far as you coughing up blood you probably have a week or just a little longer of it. It sucks that you have to start all over again. Keep me posted on how you are.

  20. I have a call back into my surgeons office. For over the past 2 weeks I have had a problem with hearing. At first it just felt like my ears needed to pop. Well I have noticed that my left ear is not doing anything. I can’t hear out of it at all. It’s scaring me now. When I went last week to the doctor he told me it could be the splint in my mouth but it’s gotten worse. In my right ear I can hear a little but only if I telt my head over and try and get it to pop. I am so scared right now. I just pray that it’s gonna get better.

    • I hope it’s nothing to be concerned about.. Thinking of you. Keep us updated..

      • Thanks Jenny.
        The doctor called back today and said that with the surgery that I had that I most likely have blood or fluid in my ears so they set me up with an ENT tomorrow. Hopefully I will have good news tomorrow.

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