Day 90: The Final Post

  • Pain: 0/10
  • Inconvenience: 1/10

It’s been a slice, folks!

Today marks Day 90 of my recovery. That means my jaw is completely healed, as far as the medical world is concerned. Is my bite perfect? No. Do I still have numbness in my chin? Yes. Has my full range of motion returned? Not yet.

All that’s left now is orthodontic work. The elastics will slowly bring my molars back together and cinch my teeth up to close all the gaps. Feeling should find its way back to my face over the next few months. The mobility of my tongue and lips will return as the scar tissue breaks up.

If you’d like to see my general progress, you can take a look at my x-rays or my 3 month’s worth of mugshots. I have an appointment with my surgeon next week, so I may be posting my before and after photos sometime.

I still have a long way to climb back to the point I was at before. Baby steps are the way to go, though. For instance, I ate my first hamburger and my first chocolate bar in 3 entire months just yesterday. Every single day brings small accomplishments.

I’ve learned more than I ever thought I would from this experience, both undergoing jaw surgery and maintaining a blog about it.

  • I learned that patience is one of the primary keys to life. Without it, you’ll end up in the same place, but you’ll be a lot angrier when you get there.
  • I learned that time will heal just about anything. And while life seems to fly by at mach speeds, we still have 24 hours each day, and there’s no excuse to waste them.
  • I learned that, when you’re completely healthy and able, you take absolutely everything for granted. Next time you sit down for a meal, give yourself more than 10 minutes to enjoy it. Consider the fact that you are indulging in comforts and securities that many people in this world don’t have the opportunity to experience.
  • I learned that people are more accepting than we give them credit for. We walk down the streets judging people for what they’re wearing, how they’re holding themselves and what they’re doing. Little do we know that if we just stop to say hi to a stranger, we may find out they’re the kindest, most genuine person we’ve ever met. Stop being afraid of the unknown.
  • I learned that committing to something for 90 days takes more effort than I ever thought it would. This blog was easy to maintain for the first few weeks because I was sitting at home with nothing on my plate. However, once I returned to my job, started being social once again and began to have plans, I had to start setting time aside to update this journal.
  • I learned that, even if just a single person finds your experience useful, your time is still well worth the trouble.

Was jaw surgery worth it? Absolutely. Even though only 10 of my teeth are currently touching, my bite is still easier to use than it was before. Despite being slightly numb, I’m still able to chew much more effectively than before. I thought I looked like I had buck teeth at first, but now I’m comfortable with them and I like my smile more than before. And now, in what feels like no time at all, I’m back to normal, for the most part. I would recommend jaw surgery to anyone who is not comfortable with their bite or their side profile.

I’ve met people from all over the world through this blog–New York and Boston, Australia, England, Germany and several places in between. I can’t believe how many people out there have been through this same procedure or are on the road to have it performed. I’d like to personally thank each and every one of you for taking this trip with me. I appreciate every single comment that was made. I hope this proved to be a useful resource, and will continue to guide people along in terms of jaw surgery in the future.

I’ll most likely make 2 more posts on this blog: one in the near future to showcase my before and after photos, and another in roughly 6 months to briefly discuss the changes that take place over the next half year.

Once again, I’d like to extend a big thank you to everyone out there for keeping me motivated to complete this project. Right now, I’m off to enjoy a bike ride on this glorious summer day, which is sure to be followed by a cold beer. Cheers, my friends!


  1. Audra, I’m still so glad I met you and Leighton! I’ll be sure to stop by next time I’m down south.

    This time, we can go out for dinner instead of having to hide in the safety of your home (with the blender). 😀

  2. Nuno, Sandy, thanks!

  3. Best of luck old bean! Your blog was a jolly good read and i’m sure the jaw surgery class of early 2010 will remember it for a long time to come 🙂

  4. CONGRATS Graham, your journey is almost over. And you look great and your smile is amazing.
    This blog has helped so many people and will continue to help those who are yet to have surgery like me. I wish you the best in everything =)

  5. Graham!!! You made it to the 90 days mark. How time flies hey? I know you’ve had a few stumbling blocks, but your progress has been phenomenal, and you really look great.

    I’m truly grateful for your blog. It helped me see what I was in for and how quickly (and slowly sometimes) things can change so I was prepared for it. Through this blog, I’ve also made a few friends so I’m grateful for that too.

    I can’t wait to hear that you’ve eaten everything on your binge menu.

  6. All my best to you, Graham! You’ve been an inspiration.

  7. Congratulations! I wish you all the best!

  8. Rob, you went back to work even earlier than I did! Good luck! It was exhausting, but totally doable.

  9. Aimee, I hope my advice proved to work for ya! I see you had McDonald’s a few days ago. I still haven’t tried it, but maybe I’ll do that this week. 😀

  10. Tara, it’s funny how many revelations you come to as a result of something like jaw surgery, hey? I guess it just knocks us off our feet and gives us time to think for a moment.

  11. Congratulations Graham. All the best in the next few months. I’m now on day twelve and my first day back to work.

  12. I couldn’t agree more – with everyone! This was where I went to answer my questions when I felt like I had made the most horrible choice in the world – jaw surgery. When I couldn’t breathe, I came here to find out what YOU were like around that day. When my lips felt like they were going to shoot out of my face, again, I found myself here. And along with using this as a resource guide, it’s been wonderful getting to see you progress and enjoy the day to day fun here! I have new friends now from your blog and for that, I am extremely grateful and I thank you. Good luck – I’m anxious to continue to see you “bite” into life on FB…:-)

  13. Graham-
    As I have mentioned several times before, thank you for paving the way for those of us who are a few weeks behind you in recovery. Your blog was awesome! It helped me so much with my own recovery and made me laugh as well 🙂 Sad to see this has come to an end, but so happy that you are doing so well! And I could not agree with you more-this surgery has taught me so much about myself and life-not what I thought I would gain from this! Thank you again and I hope you continue to heal so nicely!! Take Care!

  14. Sam, thanks for the wishes. =) I hope your 90 days flow even more smoothly than mine!

  15. Hey Graham, Huge congrats on reaching day 90 in fine form!!

    You’ve created an awesome resource that I know I’ll be referring back to in the months to come. In fact, I think this could become THE classic jaw surgery blog. Your experiences will definitely inspire and educate for many years to come.

    Here’s wishing you and your new face all the best in whatever happens next!

  16. Tasha, I consider the barbecue I had at the lake yesterday my celebration dinner. I ate THREE burgers, an entire pack of pepperoni AND had a few beers! Man I was full!

    I’m on your side. I’m going to start saving for all this orthodontics garbage the moment I have my first kid (if, ya’know, I end up having children). I have this odd feeling my teeth and eyes are going to become curses for my poor family.

    It was great to meet you. I quite enjoyed the little diary you had going as well. It’s a small world–I’m sure we’ll cross paths one day.

  17. Mike, I feel the same way. Time really *did* fly by. I hope Germany is being kind to you!

  18. Graham, you’ve finally made it. Remember way back in the beginning when you thought this would be the day of one heck of a giant meal? I hope you’re still celebrating.

    I joke with my boyfriend that when we have kids someday, we’re going to start a college fund and an orthodontia fund based on my jaw experiences. This surgery is as bad as it gets when it comes to nontraumatic “facial anomalies,” and you and I and Audra and Discantus and many other wonderful people have all lived to tell the tale with gorgeous smiles.

    I’m going to miss your regular postings, but at least I’ll see you taking a bite out of life on Facebook and Twitter.

  19. way to go Graham!!! congrats =)

  20. Wow, I can’t believe 90 days have passed already. I still remember those heady tales of Ensure, blended soup, and bleeding like they were yesterday.

    Congratulations on a successful blog and on successful face-bone-restructuring!

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“Over the past several years, I’ve done my best to respond to every comment on this blog, but unfortunately I no longer have the time to do so. If you have questions about jaw surgery and want to connect with others on this journey, please join the Facebook group. Don't worry — it's free!”
