Recovery Timeline

Following is a brief timeline of important events regarding recovery from double jaw surgery. If you only had a single jaw operated on, your recovery will be much quicker than this.

Keep in mind that every person recovers at a different pace, and also that every surgeon has their own agenda during the recovery process. This is simply the sequence of important events that took place during my personal recovery.

Day 0 (Surgery)

  • You’ll be eating/drinking through a syringe
  • You’ll be unable to sleep very much
  • You may be freezing all night long due to the ice packs wrapped around your face
  • You’ll feel extremely weak
  • You won’t be able to talk
  • You will drool constantly (but you’ll have the suction tube in the hospital to take care of that)
  • Lots of blood will be churning up inside your nose, mouth and throat
  • Your jaw will randomly spasm (and it will be painful)

Day 1

  • Swelling will begin

Day 3

  • Swelling will peak
  • Your bowels will start working again around this time

Day 5

  • Feeling will begin to return to parts of your face
  • Swelling will start to decrease

Day 7 (1 week)

  • You’ll be able to move your mouth a bit easier, so your talking will become more understandable
  • At your 1-week appointment, you’ll be able to brush your teeth, both inside and out (and it will feel amazing)

Day 10

  • Drooling won’t be as rampant any longer
  • You’ll regain slight control over your lips

Day 14 (2 weeks)

  • Most of the swelling will be gone
  • You’ll be able to start drinking from a cup (although it may be messy at first)
  • You can probably remove a few of the elastics clamping your teeth together, so talking will become infinitely more simple
  • Sleeping through the night should no longer be a problem

Day 15

  • Your elastics will start snapping daily, due to your rapid increase in speaking

Day 18

  • Your breath will become bearable again, due to the fact that you’ve been eating different foods and brushing more often

Day 21 (3 weeks)

  • Your energy will start to come back. Take advantage of it! Go for walks and take your bike out for a spin.

Day 22

  • You’ll be receiving substantial feeling back in your upper lip and cheeks. Your nose, lower lip and chin, however, will remain completely numb.

Day 28 (4 weeks)

  • Talking will hardly be an issue any longer. If you have a splint/bite plate in, you’ll sound ridiculous, but people will be able to understand you.
  • Your desire to be social and spend time with people will return in full force. Make sure you take advantage of it, and remember that your friends are not judging you.

Day 29

  • Feeling will begin to return to your lower lip and chin. That feeling will come in the form of pins and needles, but you’ll appreciate it regardless. If no feeling has returned to these parts yet, don’t worry. Surgeons say that it make take up to 90 days for feeling to begin coming back.

Day 31 (1 month)

  • If your elastics are off, you’ll be able to speak quite well by now
  • You won’t drool or spill any longer while eating

Day 32

  • You’ll have most of your normal energy back by now
  • You’ll begin to feel like you’re ready to take life on again. Be warned though: you’re not quite there yet. Give it another month before you go crazy.

Day 38

  • More patches of feeling will return to your chin and lower lip
  • You should no longer have to wear elastics during the day

Day 42 (6 weeks)

  • You should be able to drink through a straw quite easily by now

Day 45

  • Most of your stitches should have dissolved by now

Day 49 (7 weeks)

  • If you had a splint in, it should definitely be removed by now
  • Be prepared to readjust back into the world of orthodontics

Day 56 (8 weeks)

  • You should be able to eat with a small spoon or fork again
  • Licking your lips should be no problem at this point

Day 58

  • You’ll most likely be allowed to blow your nose again. Be gentle, though, because you don’t want to pop a blood vessel.

Day 70 (10 weeks)

  • If you haven’t been able to eat solid food yet, start now. Even if the task of eating involves mashing soft food up against the roof of your mouth, do it anyway. You’ll never gain your strength back on liquid alone.

Day 84 (12 weeks)

  • You should enjoy the freedom of eating just about anything you want by now
  • Consider practising whistling in order to break up the scar tissue that’s sure to be keeping your upper lip from enjoying its full range of motion

Day 90 (3 months)

  • Your three months have finally come to an end! Enjoy eating, breathing and smiling to their full effect.
  • Changes will be fairly slow from this point forward. The results you find yourself with at the 6-month mark will most likely be the results you’ll live with for the rest of your life.

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  1. Hello, I’m umar from indonesia. I just got the single jaw surgery (on lower jaw) 2 days ago. 1 mar to be exact.. So today is day-2 post op. What i want to say is that i really thanks for the existance of this web. I’m quite well prepared for the outcome of the surgery, the swelling and the numb feeling and anything.. So please keep it up ^^
    so far i didn’t feel any pain. And in day-1 post op i already can drink from straw and eat some soft food. There’s no bleeding at all and i can talk just fine but the swelling ridiculously big and my face looks like monster >,<

    Sorry for bad english.. Thank you so much.. This really help me to go through this recovery time ^^

    • Hi Umar, I’m happy to hear you’re in good spirits during your first week of recovery. The fact that you can already eating soft food means you are healing very quickly (I couldn’t eat soft food until my eighth week!). Stay positive and remember to get outside for walks several times each day. 😊

  2. Hi.. I am about 5 weeks post op now my recovery has so far gone well which I am so thankful for.. however I am slightly concerned that my bottom jaw keeps wanting to revert back to its old position (moving to its right side), is this normal? It also does this slightly when I yawn but goes back into my bite normally I am wearing elastics at the moment..

    • Hi Pri, as long as you continue to wear your elastics as instructed and be careful about not jarring your jaw, you should be okay. This may simply be a case of your jaw “settling” into its corrected place. Remember that swelling can distort your appearance significantly and your face may look quite lopsided until that swelling goes away.

      However, if you notice your jaw looks misaligned when looking in the mirror, it doesn’t hurt to give your surgeon’s office a call for some reassurance. Hope this helps!

  3. Hay guys.

    I had double jaw surgery on the 11th of September 2015. They moved my lower jaw back 4 mm and my upper jaw forward 4 mm. I did not have a splint put in. Im also at my 6th month mark now and still got numbness in my lower left chin and my upper pallet almost still completely numb. I would just like to know will i ever regain all feeling back or is this numbness gonna stay forever. But apart from that i healed very quickly it really was not that bad or sore exept that i looked like a blow fish.I started eating really soft food by my 4th week, i was so hungry i couldn’t live on mash potatoes any longer. But anyways guys i would just like to let you know that its the best thing i could have done for myself. It changed my whole face completely, i almost look like a barbie doll now hehe. It’s totally worth it.Good luck to everyone out there who still needs to go for this surgery.

    • Hi Heidi, it’s good to hear that you’re happy with the outcome despite the remaining numb patches. If you’re 6 months from having the surgery, chances are that the feeling you have at this point is what you will have for the rest of your life. Know that you are not alone, though! I also have permanent numb patches and I’ve met a number of other people who do as well. Enjoy your new smile! 😊

    • Hi Heidi,

      I just had double jaw surgery the end of January. I spoke with a few friends who underwent the surgery a couple years ago as well and they told me they had small numb patches resolve up to 1-1.5 years later. Everyone heals differently and some areas of the face take much longer to recover depending on the details of the surgery. I’m glad you’re really happy with the results!

  4. Hi,

    Did anybody have what I call “localized” swelling? For example, I have a lump and brusing underneath my eye and then on my lower jaw. It has been 13 days post surgery. The puffiness seems to have decreased quite a bit. Just wondering what others experiences were with swelling in first few weeks.

    • Help! Im on day 4 post surgery and my swelling is outta control. My mouth is the worst. So swollen that i cannot close or move my lips at all. This makes it nearly impossible to drink anything so my throat feels lime Ive swallowed sand! It is incredibly awful.

      • Hi Sarah, as frustrating as this may sound, it is normal to be extremely swollen during your first 2 weeks of recovery. Eating, drinking, speaking, and sleeping are all quite difficult during this period, but I promise your body is healing and you will be in much better shape by the third week. Hang in there and try to keep yourself busy to pass the time. TV series, movies, and going for walks outside several times each day all help!

      • Try using a condiment bottle to squirt liquids into your mouth or a tube/syringe system! You’ll feel a lot better once you’re hydrated and nourished, promise.

    • Hi Jason, it is perfectly normal for your swelling to be uneven. Depending where the surgeon had to cut and how much time it took to move certain pieces of your jaw, you may be far more swollen and bruised in some parts of your face than in others. I wouldn’t worry about this at this point in time, but I encourage you to ask about it at your next appointment for some more reassurance. Hope this helps!

  5. I have another question.. sorry!

    The skin in my chin is super dry! I have no feeling there but I keep peeling. it’s nasty. I’m using lotion and other things to hopefully stop the dryness.. anyone else have this problem? I am wondering if it’s from all the drool or just from surgery itself. I don’t know.

    I like my face (the splint needs to come out though so I can smile normally).. I hope today’s surgery doesn’t put me back again.. if it does I hope the swelling only lasts a few days and my face will catch up to where it is now soon.

    • Jenny
      Sounds to me like we may have the same problems lol. My face is so dry and I wash it all the time. I am also breaking out with the LITTLE bumps on my face. I think it has something to do with what all our body has been through. This had to be one of the toughest surgerys that I have gone through. As far as the stink goes I am feeling you all the way there. I still have over 2 weeks to go to get this thing out and then have to go and see another kind of doctor due to my gum receiving from my upper tooth due to the surgery. They are going to have to take some of my gum from another place to add it back. So that’s just more pain to have to go through which I am sure more numbness to come. I hope your recovery time goes fast for you and it’s not bad as the first one. What exactly are you having done today?

      • Hello,
        I had surgery about 3 months ago and for the first 3-4 weeks, my face was soooo dry and peeling. It was so weird. I just switched my lotion and it seemed to help. Not sure what was causing it. My surgeon said he didn’t think it was related to surgery. Maybe try a new lotion, that’s for dryer skin. Hopefully it goes away

        • Hey all,

          Just a quick word on why you tend to break out/start have skin peel on your chin and nose. According to my doctor, this is because your skin swells and expands. As swelling goes down, the dead skin will fall right off.

          That’s why you’ll notice this especially after getting out of the shower, as the hot water will dry your skin up and exaggerate the peeling.

          • Hi all,

            My dermatologist recommended Vaseline and Cerave lotion, which is non-acne forming . I haven’t had my surgery yet so I can’t speak to how it worked post-op, but I do know its a great combination for my dry skin now.

            Hope you are feeling better!

  6. Hi Graham, my daughter
    is on to her 9th week of
    recovery. She is doing well
    with all sorts ,but she is not
    getting her feeling in her
    lower lip and chin no tingling
    or pins and needle like feeling
    iam woried a bit .will she get
    back her feeling?

    • Hi Jyothi, try not to lose hope until a full 4 months have passed since surgery. Nerves are somewhat unpredictable and feel returns very early for some people and very late for others. 😊

  7. I am getting a second surgery later today.. It sucks. I’m so thirsty and I can’t drink anything. 🙁

    I do have a question.. I know certain parts of our faces get numb from surgery.. is it normal for those areas to feel “rock hard”? My mom felt my face and it was very hard. But the parts where I got feeling back that hardness went away. Wondering if anyone else has this issue or if I should ask my surgeon when I see him today if it’s anything to be concerned about?

    • Jenny I will be thinking of you today and praying too. I am so sorry you are having to go through another survey as if the first one wasn’t bad enough. As far as your face feeling hard mine is as well. I am at 4 week now and it is getting a little better. Good luck today. Keep us posted.

  8. Hi I’m in my 3month of recovery and I can say I’m doing so well and I’m so satisfied. I can eat everything and talk pretty well. My chin is still numb, I can’t feel completely my bottom lip, all swallowing is gone as well as the bruises. This week I will remove my braces FINALLY but I was told I will have the retainers. For how long will I need them? approximately.. Are they fixed? Are they less visible than the braces ? Eventually my ortho will give me all the info I just can’t wait till Thursday 😛 Thanks alots all your comments were a great support during my recovery.. psychologically you were my strength xxx

    • Hi Maria, happy to hear you’re in good spirits during your recovery! I think there are a few different retainer treatments, but for me personally, I have a permanent wire glued to the back of my 4 bottom front teeth and then I have a removable retainer (the normal kind) that I had to wear 24/7 for the first few months, then every night for a few months, then every second night for a few months, and now I wear it 2 nights each week for the rest of my life.

      Many people choose to stop wearing their retainer within a year or 2 because it’s inconvenient, but I highly recommend against this. Your teeth will always want to return to their natural state (ie. pre-braces placement), so it’s possible for your smile to fall apart even years later. I know a few people who had braces when they were younger but then stopped wearing their retainer and it looks like they never even had braces in the first place.

      Hope this helps! 😊

      • Ohh its going to be a long treatment again then 🙁 are they painful?

        • I didn’t experience any pain with my retainer. Some people mention slight discomfort if they wear their retainer after many weeks of avoiding it, but if you wear it regularly, it should not hurt.

  9. I came out of my surgery a week Thursday and ever since the surgery i have been quite irritated and annoyed with the fact i cant eat some types of food, does anyone know when the right time to start eating solid food again?, also i have had the swelling but thats gone down quite a bit now but i still have a numb top lip after top jaw surgery does anyone know when that will go away so i can talk normally again and be able to eat properly again ? I have stopped sleeping upright not sure if that a good thing to do right now but i tried and it was ok little difficult but its not to bad I’m just annoyed with the fact my lip is numb and that it all just taking forver to heal but i guess healing just comes with time

    • Hi Jordan, welcome to the recovery! As you mentioned in your comment, patience is the name of the game here. You’ll have to ask your surgeon when it will be okay to eat solid foods again, but I believe most people are given the green light by the end of the first month.

      As for when you’ll be able to speak clearly again, that depends on both your nerves and your swelling. You should be able to speak understandably by around the third week, but perfectly clear speech is likely 6–8 weeks away.

      Be encouraged, though, because this is a one-time recovery, so you’ll be back to normal in a few months and you’ll never have to deal with it again. 😊

  10. I honestly feel so gross.. I spit up blood a few times a day.. It’s been two weeks since surgery. Will the blood spitting up stop eventually? I hope so. It is hard to sleep at times since I always feel something in the back of my throat and then I use the bathroom and it’s blood that I spit up. So gross.

    Has anyone else lost a lot of weight? I’ve wanted to lose weight but I hope I’m not over doing it.. I’ve lost 15 lbs in 2 weeks. I know I will lose more. I don’t mind that.. I just hope it’s okay I’ve lost so much weight. I used to have an eating disorder and I’m afraid that part of me from my past is happy with all this weight loss and it could be why I might not be taking in as much as I probably should?

    I have feeling back on the right side of my nose but I’m sure that will go back to numb after tomorrow.. I’m going in for a second surgery.. It sucks I can’t eat/drink after midnight and my surgery isn’t until 4pm! 🙁 going to be a long day..

    otherwise I’m very happy with the results of my surgery.. I wore make up and looked cute yesterday. I share pictures with people who haven’t seen me and some people didn’t even recognize me! everyone said I looked so different and so pretty.. I cried. I feel pretty when I look at myself and I can’t believe that’s my face looking back at me.. and to think.. I’m not even close to done with being healed.. once the splint comes out and I’m fully healed I can’t even imagine how I will look.. and the weight loss.. it’s a complete make over for me!

    another question.. my roommate suggested I get a new license and passport since my face is so different now. what do you think?

    • Hiya, I’ve just started to get the blood spitting, scared me Abit at first. I felt like I was wasting away until I started to get appetite back but I’m a very big eater anyway but I have lost some but haven’t weighed myself yet. Try not to worry just keep eating bits and keep your energy up, what about smoothies ?
      Yes i think it’s amazing how different it is going to make us all look and with the losing weight etc like a total change in appearance.
      And yes my surgeon mentioned this to me about passport pics etc, maybe a good thing to look into doing xx

  11. Hi all, I’m 37 and onto my 10th day, had a really crappy week last week obviously but from about last Friday all I’ve done is eat and eat and I have gotten so much energy from this, soups with bread broken into it, corned beef hash and curried corned beef hash, mince and mash with veg in the mince, obviously all cut really small and if it’s too hard to eat I mash it with a fork first, I’ve been eating tuna with lots mayo in it and last night had ice cream with syrup on. I’ve learnt it’s all about your energy levels that make you feel alot better. Keeping on top of your painkillers and nice baths and keeping your mouth fresh as you can. The numbness at the moment is the most annoying for me and the ache from the stitches from top jaw, can’t wait for all the swelling to go to see properly. I wish you all a good recovery xxx

    • I also had a spag bol blitzed up and I’m going to try a mince curry soon as well xx

    • Wow Gill!
      Im on day four and can’t even imagine eating anything at all. Just sips of water since yesterday. My face is so swollen I cant move my lips or jaw. It just gaps open and my lips feel like they went through a meat grinder! Ouch. I can swallow some drops of water but that’s about it. There is so much sweeling around my lips that the rinse isnt getting anywhere. I took a shower this morning and somehow Ive gained 5 lbs. Could I really have 5 lbs of dried blood in my sinuses? I think its quite possible ! Tomorrow it gets better right?

      • Hiya Karen, you will start to feel abit more better soon, I know it’s different for everyone, I was the same at day 4, I had my op Friday the 19th and on the Wednesday after I was eating and feeling more positive but on the Thursday I had my check up with the surgeon and I was so weak and i got upset going because I was convinced they were going to make me stay in hospital again I felt terrible and had to link my mam all the time in there. I went home feeling abit better and from then on just ate and ate ha, it straight away made me feel better and alot more energy so about a week I’d say for me to start feeling more comfortable etc, don’t get me wrong I still feel crappy but it gets a little bit better everyday. Give it a few more days then you will feel abit better to maybe eat different soups and maybe bits of bread in, my favourite is mulligatawny at the min ha, the more energy you have the better you will feel, keep trying weetabix or whatever on a morning and keep it up eating bits and bits, that’s the key to it I’ve found. Take each day at a time. It will all be worth it for us all xxx

      • I kept on having a little cry as well whenever i felt like it and it seemed to make me feel better 😊 Keep persevering and trying with the rinse and everything and you will start picking up abit don’t worry xx

  12. I am getting another surgery on Tuesday..

    Out of curiosity when does drooling stop. I’m constantly drooling! I also spit up blood daily. It’s so gross.. It will be two weeks on Monday since my first surgery..

    • Jenny
      I am 4 weeks Monday and my drooling is almost gone. As far as the blood it will slow down a lot on your 3rd week. I agree it is so nasty. I hate that you have to go through more surgery. I am finally getting where I can eat again. The only thing that is bothering me is the splint. 3 more weeks and it out of there.

  13. Im at the hospital all checked and ready for double jaw surgery😁 Looking forward to a quick recovery. Thanks for all your posts and timelines. So helpful to have an idea of what to expect.

    • Karen
      I hope all goes well with you. I will be praying for you. Please keep us posted when you can.

    • gooodluck! ull look way too better than u used too!!!
      everything will be just alright!
      Have a speedy recovery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Had surgery about 29 hours ago. Day two is much worse than day one. When the swelling kicked in my throat got super tight. It was scary when all the docs rushed in but Im okay now. My nose is like a dripping fuacet with blood just a little in convenient. Docs say tomorrow 3rd day will be the worst.

      • Hi Karen, while your description of day 2 sounds uncomfortable, it also sounds perfectly normal. Hang in there for the first week and then you should start feeling better. And remember, this discomfort and frustration is only temporary and it won’t be long before you’ll be on the positive side of all this. 😊

        • Thank you Graham. It helps alot knowing others gave survived this proceedure.😃 My lips feel awful. But i now long need lip filler! Lol

  14. I had jaw surgery on the 15th and I was in with the surgeon yesterday.. He called again today. He wants to do surgery to fix something uneven. with the bone and so it doesn’t prolong my time wearing braces. My surgeon has gone above and beyond for me.. I have a crush on him and gave him a thank you card with a couple gifts for him.. Looks promising. I mean.. Today the guy worked out of another office and he drove to the main one just to see me. He also said what he would do for himself or his sister he would do for me.. Off topic but still somewhat revelant. 🙂
    I am being squeezed into their schedule next Tuesday evening after they work.. He wants to do it at the hospital so I am comfortable. My lip swelling was getting better and I could sort of talk with the splint or was getting used to it.. Now I will probably go back to being unable to speak and swollen. 🙁 gotta think of the end result..

    • Omg Jenny that is my biggest fear. I would hate to have to go any longer then I already have. I am going on 4 weeks today and praying they take out this plate. I am so sorry that you are going to have to do this again. Bless your heart. I hope all goes well with you.

      • Thank you for all your kind words. I hope you get your plate out soon. I have mine fir six weeks. I’ve lost ten lbs already from being unable to eat. That doesn’t bother me.. It’s the not being able to speak clearly.

  15. Hi there. I have a question for all you out there. I noticed a couple of days ago that my top tooth is showing a lot more then it did before my surgery. My gum has pushed away from one of my top teeth making my tooth look real long. So now my teeth look uneven. Has anyone else had that problem? I go to the doctor tomorrow for my 4 week check up. I hope he has good news for me because that really upsets me. I can’t imagine how my gum would go back down to normal in that tooth.

    • Hi Stephane, I would guess that this has two potential causes. First, it could just be that you’re not used to seeing this much of your teeth. Many people have a similar reaction when they have their braces removed and see all of their teeth again. It could also be that your gum is temporarily receding due to swelling and plaque. Make sure you are brushing softly, using mouth wash twice daily, and doing your best to maintain good oral hygiene. I hope your doctor has good news for you!

  16. Hi everyone there ,I know we all belong to different parts of this globe.
    Food patterns ,eating everything differs from one place to other, so my
    Opinion is pls try some Indian recipes easy smooth variety of dishes
    Hope it helps .thank u graham for being a wonderful human.

  17. It’s coming up to 4 weeks post surgery, I’m back in hospital, I’m been one of the unlucky minority to pick up an infection. I am trying to be positive, I’ve had a week of antibiotics (tablets) but they haven’t done enough I have no had to have the infection cleaned manually and am on IV antibiotics (I’m lucky I’m in the UK, being well cared for by the nhs) fingers crossed I dont need a further operation to remove the rest of the infection. Thank you Graham for all the positivity

    • Hi Lula, if you have a serious infection, being in the hospital (and covered by NHS!) is the right place to be. You are not alone in having an infection during recovery and your body should have no trouble healing up once the antibiotics do their job. Stay positive and you’ll be feeling better shortly!

  18. I just had double jaw surgery and my chin done last week.. I have no energy..all I want to do is sleep. I have to see my surgeon tomorrow and have other places to be this week.. Does the energy come back? I am trying to consume enough but I also lost weight.. Taking a shower.. Eating.. Getting dressed.. It all wipes me out. 🙁

    • It’s gonna take you a while to get your energy back up. You just had major surgery. I am in my 3rd week and I am just now getting some energy to do something. One of my main reasons was I wasn’t eating very well and my weight was coming off fast. You may want to change your plans for next week. Your still gonna be worn out.

    • I also got tired really fast during my first week, but I got my full energy back on day 10. Drinking things that are high in nutrients and making sure to consume enough fruits/veggies/protein was a huge part of getting my energy back. I had a lot of fresh chicken broth, savory porridges, fresh juices, and jam packed smoothies. Even with all this food, I lost 8 pounds in 5 days but gained back 6 pounds by day 10. I also slept about 12 hours a day for a few days.

    • Katelyn Alvarez

      March 2, 2016 at 2:41 am

      I hope you are doing better this week! I felt the same way- as if I was never going to get my energy back. A trip to the grocery store was excruciating and frustrating as I have always been so active. I felt debilitated for the first week and it got a little better the second.. and now I am at week 3 and I can do much more 🙂 I also notice that the better I eat, the better I feel. Make sure you are getting an adequate amount of calories in. It’s amazing how our bodies bounce back, slowly but surely. However, if you feel tired-rest. Be patient with yourself 🙂 I got my surgery 7 days before you. Such a crazy process this is! We will get through it.

  19. I am doing a great deal of research. I have an appointment on Friday to have braces put back on. I am looking at surgery (Double jaw) later on in the year. Do you have any regrets? How long before you could go back to work?
    I have been thinking about this for a very long time and I know it is something I need to do for myself.

    • Hi Lucy! I just had double jaw surgery 11 days ago, and would love to answer any questions/worries you’ve got!

      • To answer the questions you have above, I have no regrets at all (I know that’s not the most helpful response). The only thing would be maybe that my nose upturned a little bit, which freaked me out at first, but I like it a lot now! Other than that, my side profile look incredible and I’m in love with the results. I had no pain or discomfort during my recovery. I went back to school on day 10.

    • Hi Lucy, I am on the same side as Amy in that I have no regrets from having the surgery 5 years ago. I have a permanent numb patch on my bottom lip, but I feel it’s a minor inconvenience in light of the benefits the surgery provided me.

      I returned to work after 2 weeks of recovery, but I recommend most people take a month off to ensure their energy levels are high enough and their speech is clear and understandable. It will be different for each person, though. For example, it sounds like Amy is recovering much more quickly than I did. 😄

  20. Hi there,
    At the moment I’m at week 4 of recovery and I wish more than anything that I had found your blog before I went for surgery 🙂
    I’m still struggling with the pain tbh, neither jaw is playing ball at the mo. The eating business is definitely getting me down. There’s only so much mashed potatoes and gravy a girl can slurp 😉
    I’ve been told I can take the elastic a on and off for cleaning thank the Lord but I don’t have a whole range of motion even with them off. Might sound mental but everything feels more secure when the elastic are on.
    Reading your blog has me feeling like an awful moaner. You were so positive throughout the whole process I feel ashamed. Maybe I just wasn’t as prepared for the recovery as I thought I was.
    Just also wanted to thank you for putting your experience out there to help others.

    • Karen don’t feel bad. I felt the same way. I am so tired of mash potatoes and gravy myself. I am going 3 weeks and I can say it is getting better. I have lost like 15lbs. All you can do is take it day by day. You will get stronger and it will get better.

    • Hi Karen, you are certainly not alone in being an “awful moaner” when it comes to this recovery. Losing the ability to eat, speak, and smile all at once is no small charge. The fact that you’re already a full month into recovery is good news, though. Hang in there and life will return to normal soon! 🙌

    • Hi Karen,
      I promise you we all have our moments! I certainly do , this is a hard process to go through, I’ve likened it to being 2 again, dribbling, babbling and tantrums 🙂 I’m so fed up of soup! I’m getting creative and will try any blended food that might taste different, I’m on around day 30, writing from hospital (infection in my jaw) so I’ve gone back in terms of what I can manage, just deL with it hour by hour, it was a serious su, best of luck, were all with you, Lula x

      • Hi Lula, do you know what happened to cause the infection? Are there ways to prevent/avoid it?

        • Hi Amy, at this point I do not know what caused the infection. A culture has been taken, so if that provides answers I will post at a later date. I noticed it between week 2 and 3 and got in touch with my surgeon as soon as I realized I had new swelling. it’s around the site of my lower jaw cut and happened before my stitches were fully healed, well fallen out (day 21).
          I worked hard to keep my teeth clean and use my mouthwash, but I was limited and mouths are dirty places! Hopefully I ws one of a n unlucky minority and the drugs will take care of it.

    • Karen, I’m with you. I’m on week 5 and I can bearly have potatoes and gravy because my jaw has hardly moved. I’m definitely tired of blended soups and smoothies. I would love a burger right now!

      With the difficulties I’ve had with the elastics, I chose to leave them on while eating. After seeing my orthodontist yesterday, I think this was a mistake. I kept the elastics off for the last 24 hrs (orthodontist’s orders) and my jaw is opening more already. I’m not telling you to do this until your surgeon or orthodontist gives you this instruction. I just wish I knew how important was to remove the elastics while eating. Hope this makes sense. Things will get better soon. 🙂

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